Toolbox Dialogue Initiative
The Toolbox Dialogue Initiative is a consulting and research group based at Michigan State University that includes members from ten US universities. We facilitate collaborative capacity building with partners around the world, and we investigate the practice of collaborative research, including team science, with an emphasis on understanding cross-disciplinarity and knowledge production.
VERITIES Initiative
The VERITIES Initiative is an NSF-supported institutional transformation initiative at MSU that aims to foster a culture of excellence and integrity in university and professional settings by infusing traditional Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training with an appreciation and understanding of the scientific virtues. It builds upon the virtue-based RCR training workshop approach already piloted by a collaboration between the Scientific Virtues Project and the Toolbox Dialogue Initiative.
WE2 Project
The Working Group on Epistemic Exclusion is a multi-institutional, interdisciplinary research group examining how scholarly devaluation of the work of women and faculty of color is a barrier to their full inclusion and participation in STEM.